Membership Application Form

This section of the site is undergoing maintenance.

Details on how to join / renew will be updated soon.

Pay by  EFT to BSB 814282 Account No 50651515 Womens International Motorcycle Association Inc. Put your name in the comment box at the end of the form.

Or pay by cheque payable to WIMA Australia and post with the application form to:

P.O. Box 88, Mt EVELYN, VIC 3796.




Annual Membership

New members: $30.00 if  joining between 1 January and 30 June and $20.00 if joining between 1 July and 31 December

Renewals: $20.00 due 1st of  January 

Fees cover merchandise, administrative and insurance costs and support a fund to run the next Autralian International Rally.


Hospitality Policy

Hospitality   Policy